In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize
import time
from itertools import combinations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
In [2]:
# utility functions
def rand(a, sd):
    return a + np.random.normal(0, sd, a.shape)

def sse(params, data):
    sse = np.sum(np.power(model(params, data) - data['y'], 2))
    return sse

Broken Line Model DefinitionΒΆ

In [3]:
# model definition

def pre(params, data):
    intercept = params[0]
    slope = params[1]
    return intercept + (slope * data['x1'])

def post(params, data):
    slope = params[2]
    switchPoint = switch(params, data)
    return (slope * (data['x1'] - switchPoint)) + (params[0] + (params[1] * switchPoint))

def switch(params, data):
    intercept = params[3]
    slope = params[4]
    return intercept + (slope * data['z1'])

def model(params, data):
    # params = [preIntercept, preSlope, postSlope, switchIntercept, switchSlope]

    # enforce parameter constraints to boost optimization efficiency
    bad = 9999999999999
    # pre-slope must be negative
    if params[1] >= 0:
        return bad
    # post-slope must be negative
    if params[2] >= 0:
        return bad
    # switch has wrong shape
    if params[1] <= params[2]:
        return bad

    switchPoint = switch(params, data)
    ypre = pre(params, data)
    ypost = post(params, data)
    isPre = data['x1'] < switchPoint
    y = (isPre * ypre) + ((1 - isPre) * ypost)
    return y

This is a broken line model. It yields two straight lines connected at a switch point. Before the switch point, the model is equivalent to pre(), after the switch point the model is equivalent to post(). The switch point itself is permitted to vary and is linearly related to z1. When the coefficient relating z1 to the switch point is positive, z1 can be considered a protective factor, with increasing z1 yielding later switch points. When the coefficient relating z1 to the switch point is negative, z1 can be considered a risk factor, with increasing z1 yielding earlier switch points.

Let's visualize what this model looks like.

In [4]:
# preIntercept, preSlope, postSlope, switchIntercept, switchSlope
params = [100, -.1, -1, 45, .5]

zs = np.arange(60,90,5)

for z in zs:
    x1 = pd.Series(range(60,90,1), name='x1')
    z1 = pd.Series(z * np.ones(len(x1)), name='z1')
    df = pd.concat([x1, z1], axis=1)
    plt.plot(df['x1'],model(params, df), label='z='+str(z), linewidth=4)

plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=18)
plt.gca().legend(prop={'size': 16}).get_frame().set_facecolor('xkcd:gray')

Here we can see that there is a general decline before the switch point that increases dramatically after the switch point. The switch point is positively related to z1, so those with lower values of z1 experience this post-switch decline much earlier than those with higher values of z1.

Simulated DataΒΆ

Let's generate some synthetic data and see if we can recover the parameter values.

In [79]:
# generate some synthetic data

params = [100, -.1, -1, 45, .5]

nDataPoints = 1000
mn = 60
mx = 90
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': np.random.randint(mn, high=mx, size=nDataPoints), \
                        'z1': np.random.randint(mn, high=mx, size=nDataPoints)})
noise = 0.9
#tempY = df.apply(model, args=(params,), axis=1)
df['y'] = rand(model(params, df).values, noise)
df['x1'] = rand(df.x1.values, noise)
df['z1'] = rand(df.z1.values, noise)
In [81]:
# plot the simulated data
plt.title('Broken Line Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, c=df['z1'], alpha=0.85, cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)
In [82]:
# optimize
paramsInit = [0, -1, -2, 0, 0]
ranges = (slice(-100, 100, 30), slice(-10, 10, 3), slice(-10, 10, 3), slice(-100, 100, 10), slice(-10, 10, 1))
bounds = [(-200,200), (-100,100), (-100,100), (-200,200), (-100,100)]
bounds = [(0,200), (-1,1), (-1,1), (0,200), (-1,1)]
bounds = [(-200,200), (-10,10), (-10,10), (-200,200), (-10,10)]

start = time.time()
# hand the sse function to an optimization routine
#result = scipy.optimize.minimize(sse, paramsInit, method='BFGS', args=df)
#result = scipy.optimize.minimize(sse, paramsInit, method='Nelder-Mead', args=df)
#result = scipy.optimize.brute(sse, ranges, args=(df,))
#result = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(sse, paramsInit, minimizer_kwargs={'args':df}, T=10, disp=False)
#result = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(sse, paramsInit, minimizer_kwargs={'args':df})
#result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(sse, bounds, args=(df,), mutation=(.5,1.9), popsize=50)
#result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(sse, bounds, args=(df,), popsize=50)
result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(sse, bounds, args=(df,), popsize=50)
end = time.time()
print(f'Optimization took: {end - start:.2f}s')
Optimization took: 75.37s
In [83]:

print('True parameter values:\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in params))
print('Estimates:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in result.x))
print('Differences:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in (params - result.x)))
print('% Differences:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.1f}%'.format(f) for f in 100*(params - result.x)/params))
Optimization terminated successfully.
True parameter values:	100.00, -0.10, -1.00, 45.00, 0.50
Estimates:		100.03, -0.10, -0.93, 45.14, 0.50
Differences:		-0.03, -0.00, -0.07, -0.14, 0.00
% Differences:		-0.0%, 0.1%, 7.1%, -0.3%, 0.8%
SSE:			1076.5584354106873

Things look good so far. When calling the differential_evolution optimization routine, note that I cranked up the population size to 50. This is probably overkill (default is 15), but I wanted the estimates to be solid for this initial demonstration. Subsequent fits will probably use the default population size (because the population size strongly influences how long the optimization takes), but keep in mind this important parameter.

Now let's visualize the model's behavior with the estimated parameter values and compare it to the simulated data.

In [85]:
# plot simulated data
plt.title('Broken Line Fit to Broken Line Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, c=df['z1'], alpha=0.85, cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)

# plot model fit
xs = np.arange(df['x1'].min(), df['x1'].max())
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].min()})), color='k', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].quantile(q=.5)})), color='r', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].max()})), color='w', linewidth=4)
In [88]:
# plot residuals
plt.title('Residuals', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], model(result.x, df)-df['y'], color='k', alpha=.5)
plt.xlabel('x', fontsize=16)
plt.axhline(y=0, color='k')
plt.ylabel('residual', fontsize=16)

Looks good. Can't even see where the switch point is among the residuals. That's a good sign.

Let's see whether the broken line model fits the data better than a line and, if so, how much better.

In [90]:
def plainOldLinear(params, data):
    intercept = params[0]
    slopeX = params[1]
    slopeZ = params[2]
    return intercept + (slopeX * data['x1']) + (slopeZ * data['z1'])

def ssePlainLinear(params, data):
    sse = np.sum(np.power(plainOldLinear(params, data) - data['y'], 2))
    return sse

bounds = [(-200,200), (-10,0), (0,10)]

start = time.time()
result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(ssePlainLinear, bounds, args=(df,), popsize=50)
end = time.time()
print(f'Optimization took: {end - start:.2f}s')
Optimization took: 5.51s
In [91]:

print('Estimates:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in result.x))
Optimization terminated successfully.
Estimates:		102.72, -0.24, 0.09
SSE:			3614.32
In [92]:
# plot simulated data
plt.title('Linear Fit to Broken Line Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, c=df['z1'], alpha=0.85, cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)

# plot model fit
xs = np.arange(df['x1'].min(), df['x1'].max())
plt.plot(xs, plainOldLinear(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].min()})), color='k', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, plainOldLinear(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].quantile(q=.5)})), color='r', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, plainOldLinear(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].max()})), color='w', linewidth=4)

The best fitting lines are...lines. The upper is the line estimated for those with the largest values of z1 (the bright points) and the bottom is the line estimated for those with the smallest values of z1 (the dark points). The middle line is the that associated with the median value of z1. This seems reasonable.

In [93]:
# Compare fits of broken line and pure linear models

sseBroken = 1048.48
sseLinear = 3779.56
sseTotal = np.sum(np.power(df['y'], 2))
print(f'Total SSE: {sseTotal:,.2f}')
Total SSE: 8,414,232.26

Simple linear model is much better than an intercept-only model, but substantially worse than the broken line model. Just as hoped!

Fit model(s) to synthetic linear dataΒΆ

In [94]:
# generate some synthetic data

params = [100, -.1]

nDataPoints = 1000
mn = 60
mx = 90
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': np.random.randint(mn, high=mx, size=nDataPoints), \
                        'z1': np.random.randint(mn, high=mx, size=nDataPoints)})
noise = 0.75
df['y'] = rand(params[0]+(df['x1']*params[1]), noise)
df['x1'] = rand(df.x1.values, noise)
df['z1'] = rand(df.z1.values, noise)
In [96]:
# plot the simulated data
plt.title('Linear Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, alpha=0.85, c=df['z1'], cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)
In [97]:
# optimize
bounds = [(-200,200), (-10,10), (-10,10), (-200,200), (-10,10)]

start = time.time()
# hand the sse function to an optimization routine
result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(sse, bounds, args=(df,), popsize=25)
end = time.time()
print(f'Optimization took: {end - start:.2f}s')
Optimization took: 8.77s
In [98]:

print('Estimates:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in result.x))
Optimization terminated successfully.
Estimates:		99.84, -0.10, -2.33, 71.79, 4.54
SSE:			568.67
In [99]:
# plot simulated data
plt.title('Broken Line Fit to Linear Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, alpha=0.85, c=df['z1'], cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)

# plot model fit
xs = np.arange(df['x1'].min(), df['x1'].max())
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].min()})), color='k', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].quantile(q=.5)})), color='k', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].max()})), color='k', linewidth=4)

The estimated parameter values place the switch point far "to the right" (switch occurs at large values of x1), so we can only see the pre-switch portion of the model. Because the model is a line pre-switch, the model fits just fine. It should, in fact, fit this data as well as the plain vanilla linear model. Let's check.

In [100]:
bounds = [(-200,200), (-10,0), (0,10)]

result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(ssePlainLinear, bounds, args=(df,))
In [101]:

print('Estimates:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in result.x))
Optimization terminated successfully.
Estimates:		99.89, -0.10, 0.00
SSE:			568.68

Exactly. So in the case of linear data, the broken line model degenerates to a simple line. Comforting.

Non-linear Synthetic DataΒΆ

What about in the case of non-linear data? If the data were generated such that they generally following a decreasing and negatively accelerating pattern (like the broken line model but with a gentle, smooth switch), one would hope that the broken line model would fit it reasonably well.

In [102]:
# generate some synthetic data

params = [-100, 9, -0.07]

nDataPoints = 1000
mn = 60
mx = 90
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': np.random.randint(mn, high=mx, size=nDataPoints), \
                        'z1': np.random.randint(mn, high=mx, size=nDataPoints)})
noise = 2.5
df['y'] = rand(params[0]+(df['x1']*params[1])+(df['x1']*df['x1']*params[2]), noise)
df['x1'] = rand(df.x1.values, noise)
df['z1'] = rand(df.z1.values, noise)
In [103]:
# plot the simulated data
plt.title('Quadratic Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, alpha=0.85, c=df['z1'], cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)
In [104]:
# optimize
bounds = [(-200,200), (-10,10), (-10,10), (-200,200), (-10,10)]

start = time.time()
# hand the sse function to an optimization routine
result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(sse, bounds, args=(df,), popsize=25)
end = time.time()
print(f'Optimization took:\t{end - start:.2f}s')
Optimization took:	31.23s
In [105]:

print('Estimates:\t\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in result.x))
Optimization terminated successfully.
Estimates:		199.89, -0.18, -1.96, 73.02, -0.02
SSE:			23,412.75
In [106]:
# plot simulated data
plt.title('Broken Line Fit to Quadratic Data', fontsize=20)
plt.scatter(df['x1'], df['y'], s=20, alpha=0.85, c=df['z1'], cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('x1', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=16)

# plot model fit
xs = np.arange(df['x1'].min(), df['x1'].max())
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].min()})), color='k', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].quantile(q=.5)})), color='r', linewidth=4)
plt.plot(xs, model(result.x, pd.DataFrame(data={'x1': xs, 'z1': np.ones(len(xs))*df['z1'].max()})), color='w', linewidth=4)

Looks good. The broken line model captures the general shape and essentially ignores z1 (which it should as z1 is unrelated to y in the synthetic data). Of course, how the broken line model will behave (e.g., how well it fits), is going to strongly depend on what sort of missepecification you are dealing with.

Bootstrap Estimate VarabilityΒΆ

Note that differential_evolution() is being called with the default population size. This is simply because I am currently lazy and don't want to for the long, but more thorough optimizations used above. Keep this in mind as reviewing the results.

In [85]:
parameter_estimates = []
numReplicates = 100

for i in range(numReplicates):
    replicateData = df.sample(frac=1, replace=True, axis=0)
    paramsInit = [0, -1, -2, 0, 0]
    result = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(sse, bounds, args=(df,))
    if i == 0:
        parameter_estimates = np.array(result.x)
        parameter_estimates = np.vstack((parameter_estimates, result.x))
In [86]:
# let's see what the batch of parameter estimates looks like
print('Params:\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in params))
print('Means:\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in np.mean(parameter_estimates, axis=0)))
print('SDs:\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in np.std(parameter_estimates, axis=0)))
print('Mins:\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in np.min(parameter_estimates, axis=0)))
print('Maxs:\t'+', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(f) for f in np.max(parameter_estimates, axis=0)))
Params:	100.00, -0.10, -1.00, 45.00, 0.50
Mean:	100.36, -0.11, -0.92, 45.30, 0.51
SD:	1.69, 0.02, 0.07, 15.58, 0.10
Min:	99.75, -0.28, -0.95, 42.07, -0.31
Max:	112.21, -0.10, -0.42, 154.79, 0.54

Let's visualize the bootstrapped distributions of the parameter estimates.

In [91]:
# let's plot it all to see better
estimatesDF = pd.DataFrame(parameter_estimates, index=None, columns = ['preIntercept', 'preSlope', 'postSlope', 'switchIntercept', 'switchSlope'])

for i, col in enumerate(estimatesDF.columns):
/home/luhmann/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=axis) / sumval

The differential_evolution seems almost magical in its ability to recover the parameter values. I like it.