
The “How” of Statistics


Christian C. Luhmann


Content covering statistics, data analysis, and computer programming. Sections are listed on the left.


Christian Luhmann

Teaching Assistant

Tracy Radsvick


Subject to change, particularly topics scheduled for later in the semester.

Week Date Lecture Activity
1 09-01 R & Rstudio, Basic Programming
2 09-08 Adv. Programming and Handling Data in R
3 09-15 The Tidyverse, Tibbles
4 09-22 Christian Out of Town Review of material to date
5 09-29 Data Wrangling with dplyr
6 10-06 Sampling
7 10-13 Plotting with ggplot2
8 10-20 rep_sample_n() from scratch
9 10-27 Simulating the PRE sampling distribution
10 11-03 Basic Regression 1/2
11 11-10 Basic Regression 2/2 Generate random data & regress!
12 11-17 Regression Diagnostics Tests of normality
13 11-24 No Class – Thanksgiving Break
14 12-01 Class aborted
15 12-08 Multiple Regression 1/N
Winter Break
16 1-26 Refresh
17 2-2 End-to-end Analysis
18 2-9 Sampling: p-values ala Lakens
19 2-16 Interactions
20 2-23 Linear Mixed Models
21 3-1 Categorical Variables
22 3-8 Missingness
23 3-15 Model comparison
24 3-22 GLM
25 3-29 Machine Learning
26 4-5 Machine Learning
27 4-12 Bayesian Stuff
28 4-19 Bayesian Stuff
29 4-26 Python
30 5-3 Julia